We are advocating for strong communities and well-planned transportation in West Seattle.

We are currently focused on two key issues; closure of the West Seattle Bridge and proposed Light Rail service in West Seattle. To learn more about these issues and find out how you can get involved, click on the links to the right.

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June 10, 2020 - WSB Community Task Force, Meeting #1

The first meeting of the Bridge Community Task Force will be held on June 10, from 1:00-2:30pm (PST) via web conference and is open to the community. Call-in information can be found in the associated calendar appointment to the left.

June 01, 2020 - WSB Community Task Force Announced

EAJ member, Charlie Able, has been appointed to the newly created West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force. Members, including city officials, local business leaders, and Seattle residents and activists, will help ensure transparency, clear communication, and broad community engagement and understanding around both traffic mitigation efforts and the future path forward for the West Seattle High-Rise Bridge.

The official announcement of the formation of the Community Task Force can be found [here] on the SDOT blog.