Contact Your Local Representatives

Please visit Sound Transit's official West Seattle Link Extension page to provide feedback before the April 2nd deadline!

Sound Transit is working with several groups who provide feedback and make recommendations to the Sound Transit Board as alternatives move through evaluation and analysis.

West Seattle - Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG)

The SAG is made up of selected community members representing neighborhoods along the project corridor and provides a forum for members to inform the development of alternatives for the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions. The role of the SAG is to highlight issues and consider trade-offs, build consensus around key project decisions, and make recommendations to the Elected Leadership Group (ELG).

Brian King, Community Representative – West Seattle

Deb Barker, Community Representative – West Seattle

Hamilton Gardiner, West Seattle Chamber of Commerce

Walter Reese, Nucor Steel

Willard Brown, Delridge Neighborhood Development Association

West Seattle / Ballard - Elected Leadership Group (ELG)

The ELG is made up of elected officials that represent the project corridor and the Sound Transit Board (STB). The purpose of this group is to reach consensus around key decisions and work through project issues as needed. The role of the ELG is to appoint SAG members, represent the communities they serve and share community priorities, consider the needs of the project within the context of the greater regional transit system, work with project staff to understand and evaluate trade-offs, and make recommendations to the STB.

Mayor Jenny Durkan, Sound Transit Board Member | | (206) 684-4000

Councilmember Bruce Harrell, Seattle City Council | | (206) 684-8804

Councilmember Joe McDermott, Sound Transit Board Member | | (206) 296-1008

Councilmember Lisa Herbold, Seattle City Council | | (206) 684-8803

Councilmember Lorena González, Seattle City Council | | (206) 604-8802

Councilmember Mike O’Brien, Seattle City Council | | (206) 684-8800

Councilmember Rob Johnson, Sound Transit Board Member | | (206) 684-8808

Councilmember Sally Bagshaw, Seattle City Council | | (206) 684-8801

Executive Dave Somers, Sound Transit Board Chair | | (425) 388-3312

Executive Dow Constantine, Sound Transit Board Member | | (206) 263-9625

Commissioner Stephanie Bowman, Port of Seattle | | (206) 787-3034

Sound Transit Board (STB)

Sound Transit is governed by an 18-member Board made up of local elected officials and the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation. The Board establishes policies and gives direction and oversight and, in the context of this project, the role of the Board is to oversee the implementation and delivery of the project, consider recommendations and feedback from the Elected Leadership Group and the public, and make key decisions including identifying a preferred alternative and other alternatives to study in the EIS.

Mayor Jenny A Durkan, Member (Seattle) | | (206) 684-4000

Councilmember Debora Juarez, Member (Seattle) | | (206) 684-8805

Executive Dow Constantine, Member (King County) | | (206) 263-9625

Councilmember Claudia Balducci, Member (King County) | | (206) 477-1006

Councilmember Joe Mcdermott, Member (King County) | | (206) 296-1008

Councilmember Dave Upthegrove, Member (King County) | | (206) 477-1005

Councilmember Peter Von Reichbauer, Member (King County) | | (206) 477-1007

Secretary Roger Millar, Member (WSDOT) | | (360) 705-7054